Taxes Guest User Taxes Guest User

What is Double Taxation? Understanding the Global Taxation Landscape

Businesses can find themselves operating in multiple jurisdictions, each with its own unique taxation system. This can lead to a scenario known as double taxation, where a company is required to pay taxes on the same income in more than one country.

To shed light on this complex issue, we'll explore the concept of it, its implications for businesses and individuals and how Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) are applied.

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Compliance Guest User Compliance Guest User

Essential Forms for Hong Kong Employers for 2024: What you need to submit to the IRD

An essential part of the payroll compliance process in Hong Kong is to file forms with the Hong Kong Government through the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

The fiscal 2023/24 Hong Kong tax year wraps up on 31 March 2024, which means employers have to prepare for the annual Employer’s Return filing that begins in April. Collecting sufficient information upfront can ensure smooth operations for your business.

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Incorporation Guest User Incorporation Guest User

Benefits of starting a business in Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers a favourable business environment with a stable legal system, transparent regulations, and a skilled workforce. The government's support, easy business setup procedures, and tax benefits make it an attractive destination for companies looking to expand their operations.

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Incorporation Guest User Incorporation Guest User

Four Things to Know When Entering the Hong Kong Market

Entering a new market can be challenging, and the Hong Kong market is no exception; here are the four things you should know when entering the Hong Kong market. While Hong Kong offers numerous business opportunities, it's crucial to navigate the market effectively and avoid common mistakes. In this article, we will explore some of the pitfalls often encountered by businesses entering Hong Kong and provide valuable insights to help you succeed.

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Immigration Guest User Immigration Guest User

Employment Visas: Understanding Hong Kong's Expanded Talent List May 2023

The Talent List is a compilation of professions identified by the Hong Kong Government where there is a recognised shortage of skilled individuals. This list aims to address the scarcity of talent in specific industries and make the immigration process easier for professionals in these fields. By simplifying immigration arrangements, the government looks to enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness and foster the growth of the local talent base.

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Payroll Guest User Payroll Guest User

Managing Your Workforce: Pros and Cons of Hiring Employees vs. Independent Contractors for Employers in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, an employee is an individual who works under a contract of service, which establishes a relationship of employer-employee. This contractual agreement outlines the rights and obligations of both parties, including working hours, wages, benefits, and other employment terms. The employer has a significant degree of control and direction over the employee's work, including how tasks are performed and the provision of necessary tools and resources.

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Taxes Guest User Taxes Guest User

hong Kong salaries tax and deductions in 2024

If you have employees in Hong Kong, they will need to file their salaries tax return each year with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). This guide aims to navigate the process and covers the tax filing and payment process, taxable and non-taxable income, tax rates, common allowances and deductions, and common tax issues.

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Incorporation Guest User Incorporation Guest User

Hong Kong Business Registration: What You Need To Know

Most small to medium-sized companies entering Hong Kong will elect for a ‘limited company’ setup, but it’s important to be aware of the alternatives. In this article, we will explore the company structures, in particular for well-funded startups and scale-ups from overseas, as well as what a business should consider before incorporating.

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Taxes Guest User Taxes Guest User

Profits Tax Basics for 2024: Learn how to calculate it for your Hong Kong business

If your business is in Hong Kong or you plan to relocate, you are likely wondering about the types of taxes businesses are subject to, the capital gains tax rate, and how to estimate your tax obligations. Let's delve into these topics to gain a comprehensive understanding. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices when to be fully prepared for your tax return.

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Accounting Guest User Accounting Guest User

Hong Kong End-of-Year Financial Reporting

The financial year is a 12-month period used to prepare company financial statements, among other accounting purposes. In Hong Kong, the end of this period is known as the Financial Year End, or FY end. You might also see this term referred to in Hong Kong asthe ‘Fiscal Year’ or ‘FYE’, while in other countries you might speak about the ‘Accounting Year’. 

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Immigration Guest User Immigration Guest User

How to Apply for an Employment Visa in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a popular destination for foreign workers seeking employment opportunities, and the process to apply for an employment visa in Hong Kong can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the system.

There are several types of visas available for those seeking employment in Hong Kong, including the General Employment Policy (GEP) and the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP).

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Service Guest User Service Guest User

Hong Kong Budget Announcement 22 Feb 2023: 2023/24 Budget – What businesses need to know

On 22 February 2023 the Hong Kong Government announced the budget for the upcoming year 2023/24. The budget outlines where the Government is allocating resources through tax and fiscal policies, as well as support measures.

Here you will find a breakdown of the most relevant budget items for small to medium-sized businesses. We will also cover measures relevant to foreign-owned businesses.

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Incorporation Guest User Incorporation Guest User

Public and private funding for startups in Hong Kong in 2024-2025

Hong Kong offers a range of government and private funding options to startups. They aim to help entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground or expand in Hong Kong. Funding ranges from covering initial company registration and operating costs, through to streamlining an existing business and even providing support for international exports. With the right information and resources, you can secure funding to set up your business for success.

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